Hey friends, You know that feeling when you find something that just works? That’s exactly what happened when I stumbled across the Sparkle Minnow saltwater fly. I got to tell you, if your looking through saltwater flies for sale I know it can be overwhelming to settle for one, but this little beauty, is a total game-changer.
I remember my first time using it, was out on the water with my old fishing buddy Tony. He laughed when he saw it, said it looked like something from his daughter’s craft box. Well, guess who wasn’t laughing after I hooked into my third striper? The flash on this thing is absolutely insane , it’s like someone took a disco ball and turned it into one of the best saltwater flies you’ll ever throw.
You know what I love most about it? It’s not fussy at all. Some flies, you got to work them just right or they look completely unnatural. Not this one, Strip it fast, strip it slow, let it sink a bit, doesn’t matter. Those materials they use, they just come alive in the water. I’ve seen fish turn and follow this thing from like 20 feet away. It’s that flashy.
Funny story, was fishing the inlet last weekend, and this guy next to me kept asking what I was using. Every time I’d hook up, he’d inch a little closer. Finally showed him the Sparkle Minnow and his eyes got huge. “That’s it?” he says. Yep, that’s it. Sometimes you don’t have to complicate these flies
Quick tip from someone who’s burned through more than a few of these, grab yourself a variety pack. Different sizes, maybe a few color variations. Because trust me, once you see how fish react to these, you’re not gonna want to be caught without one. And if anyone gives you grief about throwing something this flashy. well, just let your bent rod do the talking.
Additional information
Hook size | 1/0, 2 |
Hook type | Barbed Hooks, Barbless Hooks |