Adams Parachute

Per Dozen $ 8.00


Listen up, fellow fly fishers, I’ve got something special to share about the Adams Parachute from Elburgon Flies Supply. When it comes to best selling trout flies, this little gem is pretty much legendary in the fishing world. I’ve been casting lines for decades, and I can tell you straight up that this fishing fly is the real deal.

The Adams Parachute isn’t just anotherfishing fly,  it’s like the Swiss Army knife of best trout flies. What makes it so incredible is how it perfectly mimics multiple mayfly species. I’ve watched trout go absolutely crazy for this fly in everything from tiny mountain streams to wide, sweeping rivers. The design is so smart it’s almost like the fly was born knowing exactly how to fool a smart trout.

Technically speaking, this fly is a masterpiece. Elburgon Flies Supply has crafted something that sits perfectly on the water’s surface, with that distinctive white post that makes tracking so easy. Professional guides I know swear by this fly, and these aren’t just casual weekend anglers. These are folks who make their living understanding exactly what trout want.

The versatility is what really sets the Adams Parachute apart. Whether you’re fishing alpine streams in Colorado or spring creeks in Pennsylvania, this fly adapts like nothing else. Rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, they all seem to have a weakness for this particular pattern. I’ve seen rising fish completely ignore other flies, then suddenly become aggressive when the Adams Parachute hits the water.

What truly impressed me is how Elburgon Flies Supply pays attention to the smallest details. The hackle is tied with such precision that it creates this perfect silhouette on the water. It’s like they’ve studied trout behavior for years,  which, honestly, they probably have. Each trout fly for sale is a tiny work of art, carefully constructed to maximize your chances of a strike.

If you’re serious about trout fishing, you need these in your fly box. Period. I’ve watched experienced anglers and complete novices alike pull in impressive catches with the Adams Parachute. It’s one of those rare flies that seems to work magic no matter who’s using it.

A word of advice? Don’t just take my word for it. Grab a few of these trout flies for fly fishing and see for yourself. But fair warning, once you start using the Adams Parachute, you might just become the most envied angler on the river. These flies have a way of turning average fishers into trout-catching legends.

Additional information

Hook size

12, 14, 16, 18, 20

Hook type

Barbed Hooks, Barbless Hooks